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Upbeat Elementary Language Builder

Upbeat Elementary Language Builder

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do 7 dana



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279 g


Dostupnost: Na stanju

16,00 KM
do 7 dana



The Students Multi-ROM is a self-access resource for each student to use on a computer either at home or in school. It is an amusing and motivating way to practise language and may be especially useful for those students with learning differences. It contains 12 units to practise the material in the corresponding 12 Students Book units. In each unit, there are exercises covering Grammar, Vocabulary and Use your English.

Each unit finishes with two Review exercises, revising the key grammar and vocabulary content of the unit.

The Students Multi-ROM also contains video extracts, with accompanying exercises, and the audio material for the Language Builder.

-Self-access resource for use at home or at school
-12 units to practise corresponding 12 units of Students Book
-2 Review exercises at the end of each unit
-Video extracts with accompanying exercises
-Students can check their scores
-Audio CD material for Language Builder exercises

  • Izdanje: 1
  • Godina: 2009
  • Jezik: Engleski jezik
  • Vrsta uveza: Meki uvez
  • Pismo: Latinica
  • Veličina: 213x298
  • Zemlja porijekla: Velika Britanija
  • Stanje: Nova


The Students Multi-ROM is a self-access resource for each student to use on a computer either at home or in school. It is an amusing and motivating way to practise language and may be especially useful for those students with learning differences. It contains 12 units to practise the material in the corresponding 12 Students Book units. In each unit, there are exercises covering Grammar, Vocabulary and Use your English. Each unit finishes with two Review exercises, revising the key grammar and vocabulary content of the unit. The Students Multi-ROM also contains video extracts, with accompanying exercises, and the audio material for the Language Builder. -Self-access resource for use at home or at school -12 units to practise corresponding 12 units of Students Book -2 Review exercises at the end of each unit -Video extracts with accompanying exercises -Students can check their scores -Audio CD material for Language Builder exercises

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