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Tips for Teaching Pronunciation: A Practical Approach (with Audio CD)

Tips for Teaching Pronunciation: A Practical Approach (with Audio CD)

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Pisac: Linda Lane




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do 7 dana



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405 g


Dostupnost: Na stanju

52,00 KM
do 7 dana



Tips for Teaching Pronunciation shows English language teachers how to teach the North American sound system. This practical reference book provides practical tips, clear explanations, diagrams, and sample classroom activities. Each chapter covers one of the five main areas of pronunciation - vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation. The companion audio CD in the text provides listening material for select activities.

-What the teacher should know sections set the scene with pedagogical research.
-Concrete tips provide practical classroom suggestions for teaching vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation
-Sections on Specific Features in each chapter cover common pronunciation problems that teachers find challenging
-Sample activities for Specific Feature exemplify how to implement the tips
-Practical suggestions show how to integrate pronunciation with other skill areas
-Clear diagrams demonstrate how to articulate vowels and consonants
-Extensive descriptions help teachers prepare forpronunciation problems common to specific languages groups
-Photocopiable diagnostic test and handouts can be used in class with minimal preparation
-Audio CD provides listening material for select activities

The Tips for Teaching series covers topics of practical classroom-centered interest for English language teachers. Written in clearly comprehensible terms, each book offers soundly conceived practical approaches to classroom instruction that are firmly grounded in current pedagogical research.

  • Izdanje: 1
  • Godina: 2010
  • Jezik: Engleski jezik
  • Vrsta uveza: Meki uvez
  • Pismo: Latinica
  • Veličina: 175x231
  • Zemlja porijekla: Velika Britanija
  • Stanje: Nova


Tips for Teaching Pronunciation shows English language teachers how to teach the North American sound system. This practical reference book provides practical tips, clear explanations, diagrams, and sample classroom activities. Each chapter covers one of the five main areas of pronunciation - vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation. The companion audio CD in the text provides listening material for select activities. Features: -What the teacher should know sections set the scene with pedagogical research. -Concrete tips provide practical classroom suggestions for teaching vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation -Sections on Specific Features in each chapter cover common pronunciation problems that teachers find challenging -Sample activities for Specific Feature exemplify how to implement the tips -Practical suggestions show how to integrate pronunciation with other skill areas -Clear diagrams demonstrate how to articulate vowels and consonants -Extensive descriptions help teachers prepare forpronunciation problems common to specific languages groups -Photocopiable diagnostic test and handouts can be used in class with minimal preparation -Audio CD provides listening material for select activities The Tips for Teaching series covers topics of practical classroom-centered interest for English language teachers. Written in clearly comprehensible terms, each book offers soundly conceived practical approaches to classroom instruction that are firmly grounded in current pedagogical research.

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