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Artikli 11 do 20 od 114 ukupno

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  1. HR Giger 25 ANV

    HR Giger 25 ANV

    29,25 KM

    Like Hieronymus Bosch, like Pieter Bruegel, Giger mercilessly shows us the anabolism and catabolism of our realities HR Giger first received acclaim in the 1960s with his airbrushed fantasy landscapes. However, he scored his breakthrough in applied art, and particularly in his high-profile movie work on Ridley Scotts Alien. In 1980, he received an Oscar for Best Achievement for Visual Effects for his designs of the films title creature and its otherworldly environment. His other celebrated film projects include Poltergeist II, Alien 3 and Species, for which he designed a deadly but beautiful half-extraterrestrial female creature and a fantastic nightmare train. Gigers album covers for Debbie Harry and Emerson, Lake and Palmer were voted as being among the top hundred in music history by music journalists, while furniture designed by Giger graces a bar in Chur, Switzerland. This book was designed by the artist himself, and features detailed commentaries in which Giger describes his work from the early 1960s to the late 1990s; the authentic voice of the master. Like Hieronymus Bosch, like Pieter Bruegel, Giger mercilessly shows us the anabolism and catabolism of our realities. Timothy Leary, United States. Learn More
  2. Masterpieces of Illumination

    Masterpieces of Illumination

    69,03 KM

    The worlds most beautiful illuminated manuscripts from 400-1600. The one book you want if you are interested in illuminated manuscripts-and once you open it, you will be. -- Wall Street Journal Learn More
  3. Masterpieces of Western Art

    Masterpieces of Western Art

    92,43 KM

    A history of art in 900 individual studies. Masterpieces of Western Art traces the history of painting from medieval times to the present day. But unlike conventional publications, that merely illustrate a few essentials, this work places 900 paintings taken from every era squarely in the foreground. The ten chapters each feature an introductory essay profiling the age and the achievements of the major artists, and then present selected works accompanied by searching commentaries. The reader is guided through the techniques and motifs of the artists, and familiarised with the spirit and background concerns of the age. Artist to artist, era to era, century to century, Masterpieces of Western Art adds up to an authoritative history - it is for browsing, too, where the reader can make new discoveries or meet old friends on every page. This imaginary museum of eight centuries of masterpieces by over 500 artists is a place to explore, to acquire a richer understanding of art - a reliable history, a handbook, as entertaining as it is instructive. About the editor: Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walthers many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres. Learn More
  4. Art of the 20th Century

    Art of the 20th Century

    92,43 KM

    And while the end of the 20th century might not give as much occasion for celebration, in celebrating this bookwe can all agree, Sudeutsche Zeitung, Munchen. Who could possibly have forecast on New Years Eve 1899 that, one hundred years later, painting and sculpture would be only options, not prerequisites? The term art has been defined and redefined so many times over the last 100 years that it has gained entirely new social, political, and technological meanings. Ranging across the full spectrum of disciplines available, including photography and new media, and thematically chaptered to highlight relationships between works and movements, this readable and encyclopaedic masterwork does just what it says on the cover. Whether you want Surrealism or Land Art, Fluxus or Bauhaus, this is your be-all, end-all guide to art of the 20th century. An undertaking as immensely ambitious as this one deserves to be owned by everyone, which is why we decided to make a special, more compact edition of this two-volume classic in celebration of our 25th anniversary. About the editor: Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walthers many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres. About the author: Klaus Honnef is honorary professor of photography theory at the Kassel Art Academy. He was one of the organizers of documenta 5 and documenta 6 in Kassel, and has been the curator of more than 500 exhibitions in Germany and abroad. He has written numerous books, including TASCHEN’s Contemporary Art (1988), Andy Warhol (1989), and Pop Art (2004). Learn More
  5. Umjetnost 20. stoljeća

    Umjetnost 20. stoljeća

    198,90 KM

    Iako kraj 20.stoljeća ne daje mnogo povoda za veselje, ovoj knjizi svi se možemo veseliti, Sudeutsche Zeitung, Munchen. Sada u jednom tomu možete pronaći najbolji pregled umjetnosti 20. stoljeća na svijetu! Obuhvaćajući cjelokupni opseg postojećih tehnika, uključujući fotografiju i nove medije, tematski podijeljeno na poglavlja kako bi osvijetlilo odnose između radova i pokreta, ovo lako čitljivo i enciklopedijsko remekdjelo pruža vam upravo ono što piše na omotu. Bez obzira zanima li vam nadrealizam ili Land art, Fluxus ili Bauhaus, ovo je vaš sveobuhvatni i svenamjenski vodič za područje umjetnosti u proteklih stotinu godina. Knjiga je podijeljena u dva temeljna dijela - u prvom dijelu iznosi se kronološki pregled povijesti slikarstva 20. stoljeća, a u drugom dijelu se na kronološki pregled povijesti skulpture u 20. stoljeću nastavljaju zasebne cjeline u kojima se donosi prikaz umjetničkih dostignuća na području novih medija te pregled razvoja fotografije u 20. stoljeću. Uz poštivanje temeljnog načela kronološkog pregleda i zasebnih prikaza različitih umjetničkih pravaca, stalne su međusobne reference među pojedinim dijelovima teksta. Pod uredničkom paskom Inga F. Walthera, četvoro istaknutih stručnjaka daje objektivno viđenje tendencija u razvoju umjetnosti 20. stoljeća. Karl Ruhrberg autor je pregleda povijesti slikarstva 20. stoljeća, opsegom najobimnije cjeline u knjizi. Slijedi tekst Manfreda Schneckenburgera, u kojem se iznosi pregled povijesti moderne skulpture. Sistematiziran pregled umjetnosti novih medija autorice Christiane Fricke pruža prikaz najsuvremenijih umjetničkih tendencija u kontekstu novih tehničkih dostignuća i umjetničkih intencija. Slijedi posljednja cjelina, pregled povijesti fotografije u 20. stoljeću Klausa Honnefa. Autor je grupirao svoja razmatranja ponajviše s obzirom na vrstu fotografije, ne odustajući pritom od temeljnih prostorno-vremenskih odrednica. Na koncu slijede iscrpni dodaci u Leksikonu umjetnika gdje su prezentirane biografije umjetnika te bibliografija. Glavne odlike knjige su jasnoća i preglednost primjerena širokoj publici, stručnost i iscrpnost uz dobar kritički aparat koji doprinosi potencijalu knjige da posluži kao referentni materijal i u visokoškolskoj nastavi, te kvalitetne i mnogobrojne reprodukcije. Urednica hrvatskog izdanja: Ljerka Dulibić Prevele. Learn More
  6. Sculpture 1 & 2

    Sculpture 1 & 2

    92,43 KM

    This publication takes a new look at how works of sculpture were created, the circumstances of their discovery, and the historical and political background. Ranging from works of antiquity through the middle ages and the renaissance, to the present day, this volume with over 1,000 illustrations offers a fascinating overview of how sculpture has developed and responded to different influences throughout the centuries. It clearly explains how this art form has evolved to reflect the intellectual and spiritual attitudes of its times, as well as producing great masterpieces whose fascination is timeless. Featuring work of; Donatello, Michelangelo, Cellini, Primaticcio, Bernini, Picasso, Brancusi, Giacometti, Calder, Moore, Beuys, Koons, Hirst and Whiteread as well as nameless works from antiquity and the middle ages. Learn More
  7. Expressionism Basic Art

    Expressionism Basic Art

    22,23 KM

    During the first two decades of the 20th century, many artists famously experimented with nonrepresentational expression. Taking cues from ideas hinted as by artists such as El Greco, Goya, Van Gogh, and Munch, Expressionists sought to transform reality rather than depict it in any sort of literal fashion. Egon Schiele, Max Beckmann, Paul Klee, and Wassily Kandinsky are among Expressionisms most famous exponents. Featured artists include: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Max Pechstein, Otto Mueller, Emil Nolde, Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, August Macke, Paul Klee, Alexej Jawlensky, Gabriele Münter, Marianne von Werefkin, Heinrich Campendonk, Lyonel Feininger, Arnold Schonberg, Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Christian Rohlfs, Ludwig Meidner, Lovis Corinth, Ernst Barlach, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, and George Grosz Learn More
  8. Dadaism Basic Art

    Dadaism Basic Art

    22,23 KM

    2004-10-01. PB. Each book in Taschens Basic Art movement and genre series includes a detailed Introduction with approximately 30 photographs, plus a timeline of the most important events (political, cultural, scientific, sporting, etc.) that took place during the time period. The body of the book contains 35 of the most important works of the epoch; each is presented on a 2-page spread with a full page Image and, on the facing page, a description/interpretation of the work, portrait of the artist, and bio... Featured artists include: Max Ernst, George Grosz, John Heartfield, Johannes Baader, Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch, Raoul Hausmann, Kurt Schwitters, Johannes Theodor Baargeld, Hans Arp, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, and Man Ray Learn More
  9. Cubism Basic Art

    Cubism Basic Art

    22,23 KM

    As youll find out in this guide to the fundamentals of cubism, there is more to the genre than its most famous proponent. Cubism -- often identified by flattened, geometric shapes, overlapping, simplified forms and fragmented spatial planes -- was quite possibly the most influential movement in 20th-century art. Featured artists: Pablo Picasso, Edmond Fortier, Paul Cizanne, George Braque, Henri Le Fauconnier, Jean Metzinger, Fernand Liger, Juan Gris, Albert Gleizes, Henri Laurens, Salvador Dalm, Brassao, Robert Delaunay, Raymond Duchamp-Villon... TASCHENs Basic Art movement and genre series: includes a detailed introduction with approximately 30 photographs, and a timeline of the most important events (political, cultural, scientific, sporting, etc.) that took place during the time period. The body of the book contains a selection of the most important works of the epoch; each is presented on a 2-page spread with a full page image and, on the facing page, a description/interpretation. Learn More
  10. Pop Art Basic Art

    Pop Art Basic Art

    22,23 KM

    Pop artists of the 1960s, heralded by the Great Andy Warhol, commented on everything from mainstream media to consumer society to advertising to product packaging with colorful and often comical works. Pop Arts profound influence on contemporary art and culture remains prominent today. Nowhere else can you find so much Pop Art in such a compact, stylish book. Pop artists of the 1960s, heralded by the Great Andy Warhol, commented on everything from mainstream media to consumer society to advertising to product packaging with colorful and often comical works. Pop Art`s profound influence on contemporary art and culture remains prominent today. Nowhere else can you find so much Pop Art in such a compact, stylish book! Featured artists include: Tom Wesselmann, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, Allan Jones, Allan dArcangelo, Wayne Thiebaud, Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton, Claes Oldenburg, Peter Phillips, George Segal, Ed Ruscha, Robert Indiana, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein, Mel Ramos, David Hockney, Jim Dine, and Red Grooms. Learn More

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