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Challenges 1 Workbook and CD-ROM Pack

Challenges 1 Workbook and CD-ROM Pack

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Pisac: Amanda Maris




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16,00 KM
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Radna sveska uz udžbenik za engleski jezik za šesti razred devetogodišnje škole. Uz udžbenik se dobija i audio CD.

Challenges je novi četvorodjelni kurs za tinejdžere koji će im dati sve što im je potrebno da bi uspješno naučili engleski jezik. Knjiga sadrži i:

- Gradivo u jednoj knjizi je prilagođeno da se može preći i naučiti za jednu godinu
- Informativni i zanimljivi tekstovi koji podstiču tinejdžere na učenje
- Učenje kako poredati riječi u rečenici na jedinstven način
- Osobe spomenute u knjizi prmovišu pozitivne životne vrijednosti
- Daje podršku za gramatiku i daje samopouzdanje učenicima
- Slikovni rječnik

Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it!

Your students will...
- get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be completed in one year
- get really involved in their learning with the wealth of information and interesting topics
- get a deeper understanding of language through the unique activities on word building and sentence patterns
- regardless of their activity, be motivated and kept on track thanks to the interesting activities in the magazine section
- always have vocabulary support on hand with the Picture Dictionary in levels 1 and 2
- take control of their learning through tips and strategies throughout the course

Teacher Support
- Promote positive values in your students with the carefully crafted characters in the Students Book
- Keep your lessons inspiring and on track with the all-purpose Teachers Handbook
- Be confident in your teaching with the support of the Total Teachers Pack
- Have total control of classroom assessment with the Test Master CD-ROM (including placement tests)

  • Originalni naziv: Challenges Workbook 1...
  • Edicija: Challenges
  • Izdanje: 1
  • Godina: 2009
  • Jezik: Engleski jezik
  • Vrsta uveza: Meki uvez
  • Pismo: Latinica
  • Veličina: 210x300
  • Zemlja porijekla: Velika Britanija
  • Stanje: Nova


Radna sveska uz udžbenik za engleski jezik za šesti razred devetogodišnje škole. Uz udžbenik se dobija i audio CD. Challenges je novi četvorodjelni kurs za tinejdžere koji će im dati sve što im je potrebno da bi uspješno naučili engleski jezik. Knjiga sadrži i: - Gradivo u jednoj knjizi je prilagođeno da se može preći i naučiti za jednu godinu - Informativni i zanimljivi tekstovi koji podstiču tinejdžere na učenje - Učenje kako poredati riječi u rečenici na jedinstven način - Osobe spomenute u knjizi prmovišu pozitivne životne vrijednosti - Daje podršku za gramatiku i daje samopouzdanje učenicima - Slikovni rječnik Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... - get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be completed in one year - get really involved in their learning with the wealth of information and interesting topics - get a deeper understanding of language through the unique activities on word building and sentence patterns - regardless of their activity, be motivated and kept on track thanks to the interesting activities in the magazine section - always have vocabulary support on hand with the Picture Dictionary in levels 1 and 2 - take control of their learning through tips and strategies throughout the course Teacher Support - Promote positive values in your students with the carefully crafted characters in the Students Book - Keep your lessons inspiring and on track with the all-purpose Teachers Handbook - Be confident in your teaching with the support of the Total Teachers Pack - Have total control of classroom assessment with the Test Master CD-ROM (including placement tests)

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Izdavač Longman
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