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Urban Lady - The Phenomenon of the Long-Eared Owl Wintering Grounds in the Cities of Northern Bosnia and Herzegovina

Urban Lady - The Phenomenon of the Long-Eared Owl Wintering Grounds in the Cities of Northern Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Pisac: Almir Hukić




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714 g


Dostupnost: Na stanju

42,00 KM
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This impressive book has two maps,180 excellent photos and 10 chapters of informative text in some 137 pages. Although Almir Hukić is not an academic ornithologist, his research and text on Long-eared Owl winter habits meets high scientific standards, especially when illustrated with very professional photos.
It is very useful for a foreign reader to get first a short overall text on landscape, nature and species diversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Basic facts of the Long-eared Owl are very concise but give briefly the most relevant matters to familiarize the reader with that beautiful night hunter.
Communal roosting of the Long-eared Owls after the breeding season has this far remained a mystery even to well-seasoned owl experts.
Never have I heard of larger owl gatherings than the author has witnessed and never have I seen more Long-eared Owl pellets in one place as in the photos of this book. Specific value in this book is the chapter on camouflage- really interesting and well-illustrated.
One aspect I like in this book that the author has not forgotten the spiritual aspects between humans and owls. Unnecessary killing of owls and destruction of roosting trees have been well documented. But conservation success of several kinds of living creatures, including owls, depends not only on environmental issues, but also
on social and cultural matters. The value of people’s participation in resolving complex conservation issues have been rediscovered only lately.
This monograph is an excellent remainder how vital role Long-eared Owls have in the nature despite of human superstitions and negative attitudes.
I am extremely happy to recommend the publication of this monograph: “The Urban Lady- The Phenomenon of the Long-eared Owl Wintering Grounds in the Cities of Northern Bosnia and Herzegovina” by Almir Hukić.

Heimo Mikkola, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor in Zoology , University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus, Finland

  • Izdanje: 1
  • Godina: 2019
  • Jezik: Engleski jezik
  • Vrsta uveza: Meki uvez
  • Pismo: Latinica
  • Veličina: 240x300
  • Zemlja porijekla: Bosna i Hercegovina
  • Stanje: Nova


This impressive book has two maps,180 excellent photos and 10 chapters of informative text in some 137 pages. Although Almir Hukić is not an academic ornithologist, his research and text on Long-eared Owl winter habits meets high scientific standards, especially when illustrated with very professional photos. It is very useful for a foreign reader to get first a short overall text on landscape, nature and species diversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Basic facts of the Long-eared Owl are very concise but give briefly the most relevant matters to familiarize the reader with that beautiful night hunter. Communal roosting of the Long-eared Owls after the breeding season has this far remained a mystery even to well-seasoned owl experts. Never have I heard of larger owl gatherings than the author has witnessed and never have I seen more Long-eared Owl pellets in one place as in the photos of this book. Specific value in this book is the chapter on camouflage- really interesting and well-illustrated. One aspect I like in this book that the author has not forgotten the spiritual aspects between humans and owls. Unnecessary killing of owls and destruction of roosting trees have been well documented. But conservation success of several kinds of living creatures, including owls, depends not only on environmental issues, but also on social and cultural matters. The value of people’s participation in resolving complex conservation issues have been rediscovered only lately. This monograph is an excellent remainder how vital role Long-eared Owls have in the nature despite of human superstitions and negative attitudes. I am extremely happy to recommend the publication of this monograph: “The Urban Lady- The Phenomenon of the Long-eared Owl Wintering Grounds in the Cities of Northern Bosnia and Herzegovina” by Almir Hukić. Heimo Mikkola, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor in Zoology , University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus, Finland

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